We did a lot of research on canopy walks and Rainmaker seem to be the one most highly recommended. So far, we had not had a bad experience with our excursions and this one turned out to be another fantastic time. Andrea, Dave, Eric and I got our cameras, water bottles, hiking shoes and set out for another adventure. The place is only about 10 km south of our house and about another 10 km inland, through the Palm Oil groves. Of course, we drove through many little villages and were amazed by the local flora and fauna.
The place is owned by a man from Washington, DC. it has been in operation for over 22 years and this man is in the process of converting it to a conservation area. It cost us each $15 US and the trail of 4.5 km long and basically goes up to near the top of the rainforest (the canopy) and descends down to the river at the base. We have been to 4 rainforests in Tobago, Brazil, Puerto Rico and here and this one is absolutely the best.
The bridge walk up to the top and along the top had many bridges of variable lengths. They were restricted to the number of people allowed at a time on the bridges and were quite an engineering marvel. I figured if Eric would cross them, they must be okay. At the top of the canopy, the bridges literally went from tree to tree, with platforms on the trees. It was a challenge to take photos on the bridges because they moved around quite a bit. At the top of the canopy, it was literally breath taking. There was no way a person could capture the magnitude and beauty.
Once we descended to the river, we cooled off under the waterfall. When we returned to the main house, we were able to buy a wonderful lunch for $5. It was a typical Costa Rica lunch consisting of rice, black beans, rice and chicken mixture, salad, plantains and tortillas. They also served a delicious fruit drink that put Eric's blood sugars up over 10! I have many photos and here are just a few.
The main building, where we had our lunch
Eric testing out one of the bridges
Andrea near tree roots
View half way up. That's the Pacific Ocean out there.
Butterfly on water bottle
Tree station half way up. 1,000 meters high!
Long bridge
Top of canopy
Another long bridge
Resting on another tree platform
Cooling off at the waterfall
Interesting insect
Return trip along river
It was a great trip but an intense hike. We were all pretty tired, but managed to stop off at a beach and enjoy taking more bird photos. So far Eric has logged almost 70 birds.
All for now ... love to everyone and we do NOT miss the snow??
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