Monday, March 3, 2014

Return to Costa Rica ..... Chachagua Rainforest Resort

What a wonderful time this year as we have our Grandson Alex and his sweetie Emma with us for our first week. They are on their break from Dalhousie University and are ready for an adventure. Dave and Andrea are also with us for 2 weeks. We all flew together from Halifax and were only an hour late landing in San Jose because we had to be de-iced twice in Toronto. San Jose airport is very interesting as it is nestled in a beautiful valley, but wind can pose problems with take offs and landings.

Not having had children living with us made us realize how expensive they were when they did live with us. Boy, they sure know how to eat! Our birthday gift to Alex on his 21st was his and Emma's trip to Costa Rica.

We stayed at the Adventure Inn near the airport. They temperature in San Jose stays at 20 degrees the entire year. It was a lovely transition. The next morning our rental car arrived and we headed north to the La Fortuna volcanic area. Andrea and Dave took Alex and Emma to go into the caves. Apparently they had a ball and Alex got to go through "the birth canal" once again!

Even though it was only about 80km to Chacahagua Rainforest resort where we were to stay for 3 nights, it took us 4 hours as the Costa Rica roads are quite a challenge. The resort was absolutely gorgeous but it did have a 2km road into it that was typical CR 4 wheel drive. The temperatures in this area are slightly warmer, but not nearly as hot as the Pacific coastline.

Our first morning we were greeted by so many beautiful bird songs ... Eric was up at dawn and out with the camera. No AC here .... You just sleep with the windows open and enjoy the cool night air. This resort caters to bird-watching tours. It has a lovely restaurant which served very good CR food. This was the first place where we saw the "coffee sock" filter for making coffee.

All for now. I know I am 2 weeks behind in my blogs, but there will be much more exciting stuff to come.

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